Kids Corner: Bird Week Recap
Did you know?
Birds are one of the wonderful creatures that we call pollinators. Do you know what pollinators do? These pollinators get their food from flowers and by doing so they create a plant baby! And that is where fruit comes from. Birds in the tropics help pollinate bananas. Although birds are not major pollinators like bees, every little bit counts.
Another interesting thing about birds is that they help with seed dispersal by eating fruits and then spreading theirs seeds around by pooping them out as they fly from place to place. One such seed is the North American mistletoe seed!
Side note: Plants do not always need help from birds to spread their seeds around. Many seeds are so lightweight that they fly on the wind far and wide.
Let's backtrack!
I showed you through the chicken and duck coop at EAT South this morning on Facebook LIVE (check it out here: ). I couldn't remember all of the different breeds of chickens that we have because there are so many. Here is a memory game that you can make at home to help you to memorize your chicken breeds.
Cut four pieces of cardstock into four equal rectangles. You will need to write and draw these birds on to two cards each. That way when you turn all the cards face down in a grid you will be able to play the matching memory game because there will be 8 pairs. Here is a link to the top most infamous chicken breeds. You can add the fun facts to your cards too if you like.
EAT South list for memory game:
1) Australorp
EAT South Intern, Dee Tuggle with our Silkie chicken
2) Orpington
3) Silkie
4) New Hampshire Red
5) Polish
6) Araucana
7) Wyandotte
8) Sebright
Learn more at home…
Get outside in the early morning or a little before sunset and listen to all the birds! This is one of the most active times of year for birds because they just had babies and there is lots to eat. On an app called Merlin ID, you can listen to different bird calls and see pictures of birds. Try to match the birds to their colors and calls.
Here is another document to explore the different wild birds of our area. There are many and they are all unique.
Curious about birds that sing their song at night? Here are a few!