What is a Seedy Sunday?
Join us Sunday, February 4, 3-5 pm in the Juliette Hampton Morgan Memorial Library’s Global Classroom (245 High Street, Montgomery) to kick off the new garden year and take home a few seeds, too! Seedy Sunday is a free event open to all.
A seed exchange is the main event. Even though we call it an exchange, you don’t have to bring anything to participate. If you’d like to bring seeds, here are some guidelines:
Seeds may be grown and saved by you or purchased.
Label, label, label, especially if these are seeds you’ve saved.
Label with: plant, variety, and year grown, and your name. Example: Field peas, Mandy’s Big Red Ripper, 2023, E.A.T. South
Bring seeds 2 years old or younger. Seeds become less viable over time, meaning they are less likely to sprout. Our goal is for people to have successful gardens so please bring seeds that are likely to sprout and grow! High Mowing Seed Viability Chart lists how long different kinds of seeds are viable if stored in cold, dark places.
Package your seeds before the event if you can. Snack baggies work, and you can write on them with Sharpie markers. We will try to have extra bags and envelopes, if you need them.
No poisonous plants - Castor beans, I’m looking at you! (Castor beans are ornamental plants whose seeds look like edible beans but contain highly toxic ricin.) Flowers, pollinator plants, and vegetables are all welcome. Not all flowers are edible, but we just don’t want something really poisonous.
You can also bring tubers or cuttings to share. Label them and remember we’ll be in the library and we don’t want to drip dirt everywhere.
If you don’t have seeds to share, snack baggies, coin envelopes (very small brown envelopes), tape, and markers are all welcome contributions!
At Seedy Sunday, you’ll also meet representatives from health, garden, youth, and food-focused groups. We look forward to seeing you on Seedy Sunday!