Summer recap with recipes
Lemongrass hibiscus snow cones pass the thumbometer test with the Chisolm Community Center day campers.
We set up the slip and slide right next to the fabric pot garden where children harvested fresh veggies the week before.
Sometimes, it’s just so hot you have to turn to water games. And that’s exactly what we did. On the last days of camp, campers arrived in suits and had a slip and slide and water balloon fight party. Who doesn’t love a snow cone slip and slide side? We made campers lemongrass and hibiscus snow cones. Check out the recipe:
We fold, wrap and tie our hibiscus like this in order to fit it in the saucepan and keep it submerged in the syrup while boiling/steeping.
Loose leaf roselle/hibiscus tea that we dried from our plants last year. The deep red gives the syrup and lovely color. (You can also brew a tea that is naturally tangy and sweet.)
Lemongrass in our children’s garden. We use this as a aromatherapy mostly, but you can use it in soups and stews and simple syrup! It is a perennial and dies back each winter and comes back strong in the spring.
Tip: you can make snow cones with simple syrup of any flavor using fresh or dried herbs from your local grocery, farmers market or come see us for suggestions!
Lemongrass hibiscus snow cone recipe
Make simple syrup
heat equal parts natural cane sugar and water in a small saucepan over medium low heat uncovered, stirring frequently
Steep herbs in boiling simple syrup
add one stalk of fresh lemongrass (with the grass if you have it) and 1/4 cup loose leaf roselle/hibiscus tea per cup of steaming syrup
simmer on low heat for 5 minutes
take off heat, cover and steep for additional 10-20 minutes
chill on ice or in the fridge overnight and serve over crushed ice
Tip: you can use simple syrup in many ways such as adding it to your favorite sparkling water, soda water, or lemonade
Additional recipes from Camp:
Fresh sweet red pepper humus
Basic humus ingredients
1 can chickpeas (strained and rinsed)
juice of one lemon
1/4 cup tahini
2 tablespoons olive oil (first cold pressed tastes the best)
2 - 3 tablespoons water
dash of paprika
salt to taste
in a food processor, pulse to combine tahini with lemon juice
slowly add oil, then chickpeas next
add two to 1 large or several small fresh sweet red peppers (we used our small heirloom sweet peppers)
blend on medium to high until smooth
add water if needed to make a thinner consistency
add salt to taste 1/2 teaspoon at a time
garnish with paprika
serve with pita bread slices or fresh raw cut veggies like cucumber slices or celery sticks
Tip: you can add roasted garlic or vegetables to your hummus instead. Play around and see what you like.
A delicious lettuce wrap in the making. Campers harvested and prepared their own veggies and then made wraps.
Lettuce wraps
A bumper crop of sweet peppers from the new fabric pot garden made our summer very sweet. (Come by for U-pick this Saturday 9-12.)
whole large romaine leaves (enough for a your party, you can buy these on the head or off, look for bigger leaves)
carrot matchsticks
fresh sweet pepper thinly slices
fresh cucumber, cut into thin slices or matchsticks
herbs to taste: summertime offers basil and mint, but parsley or cilantro also add freshness, chopped finely
fresh tomatoes, grape or cherry are a little less messy, quartered
salad dressing
Make your wrap
lay out one to two lettuce leafs on your plate
add a tablespoon of each veggie into a bowl and mix with a couple teaspoons of your favorite salad dressing
add your veggie mixture down the middle of your lettuce leaf and roll up like a burrito
fold one side lengthwise over your mixture, then roll once over
tuck ends into the next roll toward the open side until you have completely rolled up your leaf
take a bite out of the lettuce wrap and dip in extra dressing to taste.
Without a doubt, we had fun playing, learning and eating on the farm this summer.
Huge thanks goes to the Parks and Rec staff, the Big Cedar Education Foundation and all of our community volunteers. We truly cannot do our programs without community support. Nothing happens on the farm without volunteer help and financial support from Sponsors or Grants or “farmily” community donations. Please consider donating today by hitting the Donate button on our website. Until next time, stay cool and enjoy your summer.
-Farmer Amanda