Thank You Farm Family
E.A.T. South’s programs are a true community effort bringing together the time and resources of volunteers, our City, County, local businesses, and you. E.A.T. South is so grateful for our big farm family.
Summer Camp staff & volunteers.
To volunteers: THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. Whether every Tuesday at 9am on Saturday mornings or once a year with a school service project, volunteers help plant, harvest, weed, clean the chicken coop and in general keep the farm looking respectable. They water the greenhouse plants and feed the cat on Sundays so the farmer has a day off. Good Food Day volunteers teach lessons on bees, plants, chickens, nutrition. These brave souls can deliver garden lessons to one hundred fifth graders at 9 in the morning, and their dedication keeps the field trips going. Bee Keeper Gene from Urban Hives looks after thousands of hard working bees and still volunteers to teach our field trips, too. Thank you!
The City of Montgomery gives E.A.T. South its farm home. We’re a city park managed by a nonprofit, and while E.A.T. South raises the funds to keep the farm planted, the animals fed and the educational programs going, the City of Montgomery gives us the space to farm and create these programs. Thank you.
Our funders - people like you, local businesses and foundations - help us buy materials and pay the bills. Individual donors provide the money we need to plan our programs, host workshops, fund educational activities and cover our general farm expenses. We are also thankful for the support of Max Credit Union, the Caring Foundation of Blue Cross Blue Shield, Big Cedar Education Foundation, Alabama Power Foundation, Whole Cities Foundation, Alabama Ag Credit, Montgomery County, and Dreamland BBQ.
Finally, we’re grateful to be a part of such a lively garden community. Thank you to the hundreds of people who show up for our seed swaps and educational programs. You’re making the city greener every year!
Natilee McGruder (Board Member), Kim Cole (Extraordinary Volunteer), Dalayli Franklin (Summer Intern), Farmer Caylor, Bari Levin (Board Member) and Carolyn Strickland (Board Member) at the Biggest Little Farm film premier.
We are also very thankful for the Capital City Master Gardeners who teach us new things every month at their Lunch and Learn. Master Gardeners give their time to our Good Food Day program and one Master Gardener built our new table beds.
We are also grateful for our friends who continue to inspire and educate us by teaching and feeding the community: the Alabama State University Teaching Garden, the Old Cloverdale Community Garden, St. Peter AME Church Garden, and our farmer friends in Macon County.
The problem with starting to list people is that you’re likely to leave someone out. Any omission is completely Farmer Caylor’s fault. We just want to share that we are truly grateful for our big Farmily - our farm family - and we are able to deliver garden education programs to all ages because of you. Thank you.