Volunteers make E.A.T. South Bloom
Instead of putting our volunteers to work during our First Saturday Community Project on Nov 3, we’re making a volunteer breakfast on the farm! Drop in between 8 and 10 am for coffee, pancakes and other breakfast treats. We’ll have vegan and low carb options, too! Please RSVP by getting a free ticket so we can plan for your breakfast.
Volunteers from Maxwell Air Force Base finish the siding on the chicken coop.
Our volunteers come from all parts of Montgomery (and even the nation!) to make our farm and programs bloom. Our First Saturday Community Project volunteers help out with whatever is happening on the farm on the first Saturday of every month. Sometimes they weed or plant or clean the chicken coop. These volunteers are students, parents, kids, garden enthusiasts, and we get a lot of help from the staff of Max Credit Union, too. Anyone can be a First Saturday volunteer. Just show up at 8 am on the First Saturday of the month, and we’ll be here to get you started or email us for more information.
Good Food Day volunteers spend many weekday mornings teaching children about food and farming. One day they’re working with preschoolers and the next seventh graders. It’s a very demanding volunteer job, and we have an amazing and growing team. If you are interested in this important volunteer role, email our Good Food Day coordinator.
Farmers Market volunteer Kim Cole keeps the market lively.
We also coordinate special projects for local and national groups - from Montgomery to as far away as Kentucky! Local school groups cleaned our chicken coop. Maxwell cadets repaired broken picnic tables, added siding to the coop and removed two truck loads of trash from the hillside. University groups from Huntingdon to the University of Tennessee have weeded, planted, painted, swept and leant many hands to make the farm shine.
Finally, there are several people who devote hours of time to specific projects. Our beekeeper takes care of our hives AND teaches children about bees. Our star farmers market volunteer devotes hours of her Saturdays to helping us sell the produce that pays the bills. We also have volunteers and interns who regularly show up to dig pounds of sweet potatoes, sketch out future flower beds, or bring some of our crazier ideas to life. We’d also like to thank our board of directors who helps us stay on track and does some fundraising, too.
Thank you all, and remember to stop by on November 3.