Seedy Recipes
The most popular workshop at Seedy Saturday was the Seedy Snacks Cooking Demonstration. Why talk about snacks at a seed swap? We all need inspiration for healthy food as well as chances to try new things - and seeds taste good!
Seedy Snacks Cooking Demo
E.A.T. South board members Carolyn Strickland and Bari Levin are also Food For Life instructors. If you like these recipes or want more plant-based food ideas, you can find them at Whole Foods for Meatless Mondays. They host a plant-based cooking demo on the last Meatless Monday of the month. You can also come to E.A.T. South on the second Tuesday of the month for the VegOut covered dish supper.
Easy Almond Milk
Here’s a fast and easy way to make a wholefood almond milk. This doesn’t offer the calcium, vitamin D, and B12 fortification of commercial almond milks, but it avoids the added salt and thickeners of questionable safety, such as carrageenan. Choose almond butter made from raw rather than roasted or toasted almonds to decrease exposure to advanced glycation end products.
Makes: About 2 Cups Author: Dr. Michael Greger & Robin Robertson from The How Not to Die Cookbook
• 2 tablespoons smooth, raw almond butter
• 2 cups water
Instructions: Combine the almond butter and water in a high-speed blender and blend until smooth. Transfer the milk to a glass bottle or jar with a tight-fitting lid and chill until ready to serve. Shake well before using.
Homemade Peanut Butter
All you need is dry roasted peanuts, a food processor, and 5 minutes!
2 cups dry roasted peanuts
Optional Ingredients 1-2 T liquid sweetener, salt to taste, spices like cinnamon or cocoa powder your favorite flavorings
1 Place peanuts in a food processor. Turn the food processor on and let it run for 4-5 minutes. During this time you’ll see the peanuts go in stages from crumbly to a dry ball to a smooth and creamy, almost “liquidy” peanut butter. Stir in the sweetener or other spices and flavorings at this point, if desired.
2 Store in the fridge or at room temperature if you think you’ll go through it fast enough. If you think it will take several weeks to eat it all, store it in the fridge. from
Seed and Spice Blend
by Chad Sarno
This spice blend is a great all-purpose blend to sprinkle on salads, rice and beans, and entrées for an added kick of flavor. This spice blend will last for a few months in the cupboard, in a properly sealed container.
1 cup raw sunflower seeds
1 cup raw sesame seeds
1⁄4 cup nutritional yeast
1 T chili powder
1.5 T ground cumin
2 T onion granules
Step 1. Toast the seeds: Bring a large frying pan to medium-high heat. Add the sunflower and sesame seeds. Toss gently until the seeds begin to pop and become aromatic. They should acquire a nice golden color. Turn off the heat.
Step 2. Add the seasonings: Once seeds have toasted and heat is turned off, but while pan is still hot, add the nutritional yeast and spices. Toss well to combine.
Depending on the spiciness of the chili powder used and how spicy you like your food, you want adjust the amount of Chili powder. Allow the mixture to cool and place in a sealed container. Sprinkle on salads or add to grains and beans. You can also try other spice combinations depending on your preference.