Forward Movement

The new windows open to give us fresh air on cool days. The caboose openings aren't standard window sizes. Since we're on a budget, we bought off the shelf windows and added more framing.

The new windows open to give us fresh air on cool days. The caboose openings aren't standard window sizes. Since we're on a budget, we bought off the shelf windows and added more framing.

A new, steel front door - imagine it painted a bright color with a rectangle of chalkboard paint. When we're finished, we'll post the week's activities on the door.

A new, steel front door - imagine it painted a bright color with a rectangle of chalkboard paint. When we're finished, we'll post the week's activities on the door.

Our new floor - Don't get us wrong. We loved the original pine floor, but we didn't have the time or resources to properly restore it. The floor had many holes, patches, and rotten bits, but the good bits were lovely! The original floor lives under …

Our new floor - Don't get us wrong. We loved the original pine floor, but we didn't have the time or resources to properly restore it. The floor had many holes, patches, and rotten bits, but the good bits were lovely! The original floor lives under this one for a future day when someone has the time and resources to bring it back to life.