EAT South

EAT South is an urban teaching farm that engages our community by educating about, gathering people around, and growing good food. We aim to change the way food travels from the ground to our plates.

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coming soon

Want to keep garden programs growing in Montgomery? Please donate to E.A.T. South today!

tour the farm

Thanks to a mention in the AAA Magazine, we’re welcoming more people to the farm every week. We’ve put together this self-guided tour to give visitors an idea of what they are seeing. What do you think? Have you toured the farm? Email us.


Planting for Pollinators

June 6, we’re partnering with our friends at Zizi’s Bees and Tuskegee University to teach a class all about pollinators and the plants they love.

Learn about honey bees, native bees, and even predatory insects (because Farmer Caylor loves her wasps). We’ll talk about what these creatures need to thrive and how it will benefit your garden.

Free, dinner will be provided. Please register.

This workshop is part of Urban Agriculture in Alabama and is sponsored by MidSouth RC&D Council.

How do you know how to plant a seed if you don’t have instructions? (Ok, maybe you should first turn the packets right side up!) (Image: two orange envelopes, one with a label with planting instructions, the other just the name of the plant, four seeds lined up two high across the top of the picture. The seeds are sugar snap peas, lettuce, kale, and chard.)

How to plant seeds

Some of the seeds at Seedy Sunday won’t come with instructions. How do you know how to plant something if you don’t have a label?

We’ve listed the resources we use when planting seeds along with some good general seed information in the blog post how do I plant this? Find the link in the button below.

Connect with MidSouth RC&D Council for seeds and garden tools. Links to applications below. (Image: large ziploc bags folded at the top full of seeds of all colors)

Small grants for seeds and garden supplies from MidSouth RC&D Council

The buttons below will connect you with MidSouth RC&D Council’s grant application forms.

Are you growing food to benefit your community? Are you a part of a church, school, neighborhood, or community garden? MidSouth RC&D Council is offering two grants for community-oriented gardens: one for seeds and a reimbursement grant for tools and supplies.

The seed list is included in the application and includes all of our summer and fall favorites - from okra and squash to greens.

Both applications are short. Find them using the buttons below.